Sunday, January 01, 2012

a Baby?......A BABY!!

Well I think it's time to remove the ? from my title.

I took a test on Christmas eve without much hope of seeing a + but low and behold it popped up right away. I had planned on waiting until Christmas to test but I got a sign that made me test early. Mr and I ordered in Chinese for supper on Christmas eve and after reading my fortune I thought I should test.

Testing Christmas eve did have one down side - I couldn't tell Mr right away. After we finished our supper E and A came over for a visit and to open presents and then we went to Mr's parents place to hang out for a bit. I also had to work Christmas day so I didn't want to just tell Mr and run. Also I had a cute way of telling him planned and I was not at all ready for it and didn't have the time to prepare. So Christmas morning I got up extra early before work and ironed on some logos of his fav NHL team to a onesie and a bib and got is present all ready for when I got home from work.

I was so excited to give it to him when I got home that I didn't even bother to wrap it. Just put it in a box with some tissue and the tests underneath the onesie and bib. He was completely confused at first when he opened it. Looked and me, looked at the bib, looked at me then seen the tests peeking out from underneath the onesie. Needless to say when he finally clued in he was in shock. We must of hugged a dozen times in the matter of a minute. He is beyond excited and has been so great with everything since I told him.

Christmas seems to be our time of year. Five years ago I brought home our boxer baby P as a surprise present for Mr, then in 2008 he proposed on Christmas Eve and now a baby in 2011!

We haven't told our parents yet. I'm open to telling Mr's parents when ever because they just live next door and well they are going to figure something is up sooner or later. As for my parents they both live four hours away in a different province and my mom and her husband are also gone to Florida now until February. So I can't tell my father without telling my mother and I don't want to tell either of them over the phone so I guess it will have to wait until February sometime.
Of course Erika already knows and Mr told his best friend Taylor before he left to go back out West for work and he won't be home until May.

Right now my EDD is September 5, 2011. Mr's birthday happens to be Sept 6  and Aly's birthday is Sept 2.

I went to my Drs last week to confirm with a blood test and it came back positive. I'm going to call this week sometime to schedule an appointment to talk to my Dr and see what happens from here as the nurse wasn't very helpful over the phone.

So fingers crossed and hope that everything goes well from here!

- Mrs

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